049 How money figures into a joyful life, with Brian Portnoy

Watch my conversation with Brian Portnoy on YouTube or listen on the podcast player below

Brian Portnoy

Do you ever feel that there is just too much information and choice today?

Behavioural finance expert Brian Portnoy has found a way to achieve simplicity in our world of information overload and shares his perspective in two fascinating books The Investor’s Paradox and The Geometry of Wealth.

In his books, Brian successfully tackles the challenges of not only making better investment decisions but also how money figures in to a joyful life. And explains how the two tasks – tackling the big questions about a joyful life and tending to financial decisions – are wholly complementary.

In educating thousands of investors over the years as keynote speaker, seminar leader, and consultant, Brian emphasises the practical benefits of understanding the intersection of human psychology, financial markets, and modern capitalism.

He holds a doctorate from the University of Chicago where he currently lives with his family.


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