091 A Man is not a Financial Plan, with Mary Waring

Watch my conversation with Mary Waring on YouTube or listen on the podcast player below

Mary Waring

Series 5, Episode 1: Women and ​Wealth

From my experience helping people retire successfully, I would say there is still a tendency for the man in a relationship to lead discussions about money.  

 Now, that’s not always the case, and I’m sure the situation is changing among the younger generations.

But that was certainly the case for my wife’s parents, and in fact my mother-in-law, Anne, talks about the challenge she faced getting to grips with money matters after her husband died in episode 21 of the podcast. Take a listen when you have a moment, as it’s a great personal story. 

So, I thought it would be interesting to create a series of episodes about women and wealth, starting with my conversation today with Mary Waring.  

Mary is an award-winning chartered financial planner and chartered accountant who helps women to be financially confident and independent. 

She specialises in supporting women through and after divorce but is recognised as being a leading light in all aspects of female finances. 

Useful links

Watch this episode on YouTube

Mary Waring’s website

Mary’s Wealth for Women website - helping women through divorce

Episode 21: Why my motto is ‘Live The Day’ with Anne Roe


092 Making serious stuff entertaining with the ‘keynote tickler’


090 The Menopausal Mermaids