116: Money, the Made-up Thing, with Jacob Goldstein

Watch my conversation with Jacob on YouTube or listen on the podcast player below

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Have you ever thought about where our money came from?

 We have! And so has this week’s guest, Jacob Goldstein.

Jacob is a correspondent and co-host at NPR – an independent, non-profit media organisation based in America. He co-hosts the radio show and podcast Planet Money, in which they try and explain the economy in a fun and relaxed way.

In 2008 Jacob was a successful journalist working at the Wall Street Journal covering healthcare. After realising he had no idea what was happening in the 2008 financial crisis, Jacob was told that he had been looking at money all wrong. Because money is fictitious.

 This inspired him to learn more and dig deeper into the history of money around the globe. In doing so, he has written a fascinating book called “Money: The True Story of a Made-Up Thing” which tells the story of where our money system comes from.

 In our conversation we chat about the inspiration behind the book and Jacob’s fascination with money. He shares some of his intriguing discoveries from the book and what he thinks of cryptocurrency.

Tune in to hear our conversation.


117: Series 8 Ep 3: The 9 Accelerators of Successful Retirement Planning - Minimising Life Tax


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