120: How to retire at 40, with Chris Mamula

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Chris Mamula

Most of us don’t start our careers with the aim of retiring early. My guest this week certainly didn’t think early retirement would be an option when he stopped enjoying his career.

But by the age of 41, Chris Mamula had achieved financial independence and was, in theory, retired.

Chris qualified as a physiotherapist in Utah but quickly realised he did not want to stay in the industry for 30 or 40 more years. When his wife discovered she was pregnant, Chris dived into the world of personal finance and discovered the Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) movement.

In our conversation Chris explains how he used the maths and core values of the FIRE movement to plan for early financial independence. 

He explains how his personal journey inspired him to write about how others could live the best life possible and retire early. Partnering with others passionate about gaining financial independence, Chris has written a book Choose FI: Your Blueprint to Financial Independence, and runs the blog Can I Retire yet?


121: Could innovative design help us age better? with John Mathers


119: The struggles of ageing without Children, with Kirsty Woodard