127: Finding the light in dementia, with Dr Jane Mullins

Watch my conversation with Dr Jane Mullins on YouTube or listen on the podcast player below

Dr Jane Mullins

A diagnosis of dementia can be scary, not just for those living with the disease, but those close to them too. As the dementia progresses, communications skills can be lost and the loved ones surrounding the dementia patient often wonder how they can communicate with their loved one.

 Dr Jane Mullins has spent her career working with people who have neuro degenerative conditions and researching dementia. After working in memory clinics and as a care home manager, Jane completed her PhD which centred around communicating with people who have dementia through sensory ways.

 Her project specifically explored using tourism memories and multi-sensory communication strategies to help couples rekindle their relationship.

 Using the knowledge from her PhD research and the experience gained from her career and research, Jane went on to publish a book Finding the Light In Dementia. The book offers support and help along the way when you or a friend or relative is diagnosed with dementia.

 More recently Jane has set her sights to creating a training programme for families and care providers to teach them how to develop a connection between the individual requiring care and those providing it.

In our conversation Jane talks about what she learnt from her PhD research project, and how anyone can use photos and props to start an engaging conversation with someone living with dementia. She also shares her motivation behind setting up the training programme and why she believes it could make a difference to the dementia care industry.

Useful links

Finding the Light in Dementia Website

Finding the Light in Dementia Book

Finding the Light in Dementia Facebook page

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