151: Companiions - support on your terms, with Lisa Robinson

Watch my conversation with Lisa on YouTube or listen on the podcast player below


Lisa Robinson, ex-Amazon executive, is the founder of Companiions - an online service that allows people to find support, assistance and company for themselves or their loved ones, helping them to stay connected. 

It really is an amazing solution for those with elderly parents or family members who they feel might be a little isolated, but not yet ready for full on personal or medical care per se. What they really need is companionship, or someone to do a job or task for them that’s become a little too challenging.

In our conversation Lisa explains her inspiration for setting up Companiions after years working for big corporates like Amazon and Sky. We also chat about how the service works, why the pandemic acted as a rocket-booster for her business, and the kind of people who can offer companionship or may be looking for it.

She tells stories of people from all sorts of backgrounds who have become companions to others, explains how their Companiions for Business service works, and how the charitable giving aspect of Companiions is growing.

Useful links

Companiions website

Companiions on Twitter

Companiions on Facebook

Companiions on LinkedIn

Lisa Robinson on LinkedIn

Companiions on YouTube

Justin’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/JustinKingMFP

Get in touch if you’d like a second opinion on your retirement planning

Email at hello@retirementcafe.co.uk

Watch the episode on YouTube here.


152: Owning the dash, with Anthony Delauney


150: Now’s the time to teach, with Katie Waldegrave