015 How to choose a care home, with Hollie Clarke

Hollie Clarke

410,000 people live in care homes in the UK today. It is predicted there will be a 36% increase in the number of over 85s by 2025. With an ageing population comes a growing demand for care provision and care homes.

I chat to Hollie Clarke, Senior Care adviser with Colten Care, about how to find the most suitable care home to meet your needs. The key to success is good planning. Working in the specialist customer service team, Hollie helps residents and their families through the transition into care.

Sharing her experience from 10 years working in the care industry, Hollie explains the different care options available, how to check out possible homes before you set foot in the door and which probing questions you need to ask.

We cover checking what funding you’re eligible for, people with specialised medical needs such as dementia, keeping couples together and the future of care in the UK.

Colten Care started 35 years ago in Lymington and now have 20 care homes with a total of 1,100 residents.


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