060 How to make New Year’s Resolutions stick

Watch my conversation with Kathy King on YouTube or listen on the podcast player below


It’s New Year’s Eve – the final day of 2019, so what better topic to discuss than ‘How to Make 2020 Your Best Year Yet’. 

 In fact, that’s the theme of the next two episodes. 

 As is tradition with the arrival of another new year, you may well be getting ready to set some new year’s resolutions. Things that you’d like to change in your life or new habits you’d like to create. 

 It’s not something that I’ve ever really done, but I know my wife, Kathy, used to set resolutions each year. Kathy joins me on the podcast to chat about why I don’t believe new year’s resolutions are very effective and how lasting change can be brought about.

We cover setting goals, the difference between strategies and goals, why we need to talk to our 85-year old self, and why it’s important not to wait until the New Year to make the changes we want to see in our lives.


061 Must read books for 2020


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