079 Understanding our behavioural biases, with Neil Bage

Watch my conversation with Neil Bage on YouTube or listen on the podcast player below

Neil Bage

We all have behavioural biases that drive our values and guiding principles. These ultimately impact how we show up in the world and the decisions that we make.

Neil Bage is a specialist on the sub-conscious behaviours that drive our decisions and how to bridge complex theory with real world understanding.

He helps people understand what’s going on inside their heads when they make decisions and is passionate about helping people make safe and informed financial decisions in particular.

Neil joined me at a recent Virtual Retirement Café coffee morning and I would like to share our conversation with you on the podcast to help you navigate the current landscape and any decision making you are facing.


080 Travelling solo in retirement, with Janice Waugh


078 Tips for travelling and cruising