080 Travelling solo in retirement, with Janice Waugh

Watch my conversation with Janice Waugh on YouTube or listen on the podcast player below

Janice Waugh

Have you ever considered travelling solo? Maybe you’re a dab hand at it and have been travelling alone for many years. Or maybe you’re just considering taking your first trip.

It can feel daunting to take that first trip alone. Well help is on hand from Janice Waugh. Janice lives in Toronto and she is the go-to authority on the topic of solo travel.

In 2009 she founded Solo Traveler a website she conceived of based upon her own need for better information about travelling alone and she’s here to tell us more about it.

She joins me to share her advice on what to consider when travelling solo, what to expect and steps you can take to depart with confidence.


081 Being there when the storm comes in, with Carl Richards


079 Understanding our behavioural biases, with Neil Bage