093 How isolation is driving financial scams, with Professor Keith Brown

Watch my conversation with Professor Keith Brown on YouTube or listen on the podcast player below

Keith Brown

I am delighted to welcome Professor Keith Brown back to the podcast.

Keith is a government adviser on mental capacity as well as adult care and safeguarding. To that end Professor Brown sits on the Department of Health Adult Safeguarding Advisory Board and appeared in episode 89 just a few weeks ago to explain more about mental capacity.

Keith also leads the national research into financial fraud and scams and joins me to share his very personal story of how his own mother’s experience made him so passionate about helping protect older people from the growing prevalence of financial scams.

Professor Brown explains that whilst anyone can become a victim of financial fraud, isolation and loneliness are the biggest indicators and what practical steps we can all take to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

Useful links

Get downloads and guides on Financial Scamming & Fraud

Watch on YouTube

Email Professor Brown

Episode 65: Protecting the vulnerable from scams & financial fraud

Episode 68: Tackling loneliness and isolation in later life, with Dame Esther Rantzen

Episode 89: Keith Brown on Understanding Mental Capacity


094 Secrets of a successful semi-retirement, with Lindsey Froud


092 Making serious stuff entertaining with the ‘keynote tickler’