094 Secrets of a successful semi-retirement, with Lindsey Froud

Watch my conversation with Lindsey Froud on YouTube or listen on the podcast player below

Lindsey Froud

The episodes of regular people telling us about their life in retirement have proven to be very popular. One of our very first episodes – number 4 in fact – of my conversation with clients and friends Nick and Debbie Taylor telling us what makes for a successful retirement for them, continues to be one of our most downloaded episodes.

So today we’re going to hear the story - so far - of another client and friend – Lindsey Froud.

Lindsey spent some years living in the Middle East before returning to the UK a few years ago. At this point, she decided to semi-retire at quite an early age. She shares with us today the importance of keeping working – on her terms, and why she tries to do something she’s never done before every month.

Sadly, since we recorded this episode Lindsey’s mother has passed away, so my sympathies go out to Lindsey and her family.

Useful links

Other personal story episodes:

Episode 091: The Menopausal Mermaids

Episode 004: Finding your purpose – the key to a fulfilling retirement

Episode 074: Finding purpose in charitable work

Episode 072: Life in my 90s, with Peggy Bastion

Episode 029: 65,000 miles under his belt and still running into retirement, with Ken West

Episode 021: Why my motto is ‘live the day’, with Anne Roe

Watch the episode on YouTube


095 Contentious probate: contesting a will, with Victoria Jones


093 How isolation is driving financial scams, with Professor Keith Brown