158: How John Bogle saved investors trillions, with Eric Balchunas

Watch my conversation with Eric on YouTube or listen on the podcast player below


Now, as you know, in my day job I help people retire successfully, so a major part of the work that I do is helping people to have a successful retirement experience. To that end I have spent many hours researching and developing an investment philosophy that I believe gives my clients the best chance of achieving their financial goals.

A few individuals and companies have had a significant influence on my thinking over the years and few more so, perhaps, than John Bogle (also known as Jack) and the investment giant Vanguard.

So I am delighted to have had the opportunity to chat recently with the author of a new book about the history of John Bogle, Eric Balchunas.

Eric is an author and a Senior ETF Analyst and Funds Product Specialist with Bloomberg, the global leader in business and financial data, news and insight. In our conversation he explains what his role involves and why he became so fascinated with JaohnBogle.

We chat about Eric’s latest book ‘ The Bogle Effect’, and why Bogle’s radical idea to turn Vanguard into an investment company for the people, by the people has had such a wide-reaching impact not only upon the investor community, but upon other completely unrelated industries.

Useful links

Buy Eric’s Book, The Bogle Effect - how John Bogle & Vanguard turned Wall Street inside out and saved investors trillions.

Connect with Eric on Twitter

Connect with Eric on LinkedIn

Justin’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/JustinKingMFP

Get in touch if you’d like a second opinion on your retirement planning

Email at hello@retirementcafe.co.uk

Watch the episode on YouTube here.


159: Boost your brain health to prevent mental decline & dementia, with Dr Ben Webb


157: Get Over Indulgence, with Duncan Bhaskaran Brown